REM Glossary article

Voting outside the polling station


In any type of election, voters may request their polling station commission to vote at home. In their application, the voter must state the reason (health condition, disability) for voting outside the polling station. The commission may find the reason unjustified and reject the application.

On the election day, at least two commissioners with a decisive vote organize voting for the voters whose application was approved. A special portable sealed ballot box is used for this purpose. Observers are entitled to attend voting outside the polling station. Upon the return of the commission members, a separate report is prepared, indicating the number of ballots issued and returned. The report also lists the commission members and observers present during the voting organized outside the polling station.

As Russian electoral law allows filing applications for voting outside the polling station not only by voters themselves but also by third parties (e.g., social worker or head of the hospital where the voter is receiving treatment), this type of voting is often used to carry out falsifications. It is also difficult to organize observation of voting outside the polling station.

Last update on 2024-06-08 by Content manager.

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